2023-24 Agricultural Assistance Scholarship

This is a preview of the Agricultural Assistance Scholarship 2023-24 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Agricultural Assistance Scholarship

The Agricultural Assistance Scholarship (AAS) supports Hume’s rural community by assisting with fees associated with employing specialised consultants to offer on-farm advice around sustainable agriculture and agribusiness related activities.

The scholarship should encourage landholders to explore alternative agricultural businesses that are resilient to the ongoing challenges rural landholders face within Hume’s rural landscape.

The AAS will be administered via payment of up to 80 per cent of agricultural consultancy fees, up to a maximum of $1,500, GST exclusive. Applicants can apply maximum once per year per property.

Who can apply?
Landowners or managers with property that is zoned:

  • Green Wedge,
  • Green Wedge A,
  • Rural Living
  • Farming outside the urban growth boundary, or Rural Conservation, Special Use or Rural Living zones within the urban growth boundary.