2024-25 Quick Response Grant

This is a preview of the 24-25 Quick Response Grant Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

2024-25 Quick Response Application

* indicates a required field.

Welcome to Hume City Council's 2024-25 Quick Response Grant

Quick Response Grants are designed to support newly established community groups, and community groups with emerging or unexpected needs and opportunities.

Before completing this application you must read:

Please have all your supporting documents ready; such as

  • Bank Statement
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Current Certificate of Public Liability Insurance
  • Income and Expenditure Statement
  • Quotes for items you intend to purchase

Regularly save your application by clicking the 'Save Progress' button which appears at the top of your screen.

File Upload allows applicants to upload one or more file attachments in their application.  The recommended size of a file must be no bigger than 5mb.

Do you need help or assistance?

If you experience any difficulties with your online application please contact us on 9205 2749 or email communitygrants@hume.vic.gov.au 

Eligibility Checklist

Stop. You have answered NO to one of the above you are NOT ELIGIBLE for this grant.

If you would like further information please contact us on 03 9205 2749 or email communitygrants@hume.vic.gov.au